Garmin FIT File Extract on Windows
Garmin FIT File Extract on Windows
I wanted to get my run and bike files off of my Garmin 910XT without having to upload them to Garmin Connect. Thankfully I wasn’t the first person that has wanted to do this and I found a library that would allow me to do that - openant.
Generally I do my development work in WSL but it doesn’t support USB devices. There seems to be some workarounds but after looking at a couple of the other issues and pull requests on openant and related antfs-cli project it seems others had used openant with Windows the how wasn’t documented anywhere.
This is a detailed explanation of how to get openant and by association antfs-cli to work with Windows. The PR includes instructions as well.
ANT-FS device ANT USB Stick - I used ANTUSB-m Zadig - to install libusb driver for your ANT-USB stick
We’ll also be using a forked version of openant library that works with Windows by bypassing the unnecessary parts (udev_rules) and adding a pause to allow for
Installing libusb driver for ANT-USB stick
We’ll first install libusb driver for the ANT-USB stick plugged into your computer. Make sure its plugged in and follow the steps captured below. We’ll follow libusb’s recommended way of installing the driver.